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                                    If you’re looking for a well-deserved break on the English Riviera, then the Devonshire Hotel really is the ideal choice. The hotel occupies a beautiful 1900’s building and sits atop the hill overlooking the Tor Bay and the hotel’s gardens.You’ll be able to make the most of the English Riviera’s warm climate and enjoy a swim in the newly refurbished heated outdoor pool which is open May to September. If you’re looking for something a little warmer then why not enjoy a hot drink or lunch from the coffee shop or relax in the peaceful lounge.You can enjoy wonderful sea views across the bay and over Torquay and its marina on a walk down to town, but if you don’t fancy the walk up or down the ˛˜˟˟ʟ˧˛˘˥˘ʚ˦˔˥˘˚˨˟˔˥˕˨˦˦˘˥˩˜˖˘˧˛˔˧˦˧ˢˣ˦˔˧˧˛˘˛ˢ˧˘˟˔ˡ˗˖˘ˡ˧˥˔˟ˇˢ˥ˤ˨˔ˬʡˇ˛˘˥˘Ϡ˦˔˟˦ˢ˔˕˟˨˘Є˔˚beach just a 10 minute walk from the hotel as well.76 En-Suite BedroomsBar & Dance FloorCoffee ShopLoungeLiftʹ˥˘˘ˊ˜ʠʹ˜˜ˡˣ˨˕˟˜˖˔˥˘˔˦ʻ˘˔˧˘˗˂˨˧˗ˢˢ˥˃ˢˢ˟ʛˀ˔ˬϝˆ˘ˣ˧ʜCar Park on siteDevonshire Hotel26 Call 01202 638840 we’re open Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm, Sat 8am – 5pm, Sun 9am – 3pm
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