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                                    GREAT FOR GROUPSIf you’re part of a large family, a member of a social or sports club or are just looking to get away with a whole group of friends, then why not get in touch with our dedicated group booking team who can tell you all about our great value group offers.ˊ˘˖˔ˡ˧˔˜˟ˢ˥˔˖ˢ˔˖˛˛ˢ˟˜˗˔ˬ˧ˢ˔ˡˬˢ˙ˢ˨˥˛ˢ˧˘˟˦and subject to minimum numbers, you can be picked up and transported to your hotel of choice in one of our comfortable and stylish coaches from any location in the UK.Our award-winning and friendly groups team will be on hand to guide you through every step of your group holiday to make sure your group experience is as smooth and straight forward as possible. ˊ˛˘˧˛˘˥˜˧Ϡ˦˔˦˦˜˦˧˜ˡ˚˪˜˧˛˔˥ˢˢˠ˜ˡ˚˟˜˦˧ʟ˖ˢˡЃ˥ˠ˜ˡ˚pick up points or handling all those little details that can really make the difference, our team will be happy to help.ˊ˘ˡˢ˥ˠ˔˟˟ˬ˛˔˩˘ˢ˩˘˥ʨʣʣ˚˥ˢ˨ˣ˦˧˥˔˩˘˟˟˜ˡ˚˪˜˧˛ us each and every year that range from 20 people to groups of over 120 people that book an entire hotel. Many of our groups travel with us year after ˬ˘˔˥ϝ˜ˡ˙˔˖˧ˠ˔ˡˬˢ˙ˢ˨˥˚˥ˢ˨ˣ˦˛˔˩˘ˠˢ˥˘˧˛˔ˡone break a year with us.Our groups team and hotels have won numerous awards over the last few years including ‘Most Group Friendly Hotel chain’ at the 2020 Group Travel Awards and ‘Best Accommodation For Groups’ at ˧˛˘ʥʣʥʤʺ˥ˢ˨ˣʿ˘˜˦˨˥˘ʙˇ˥˔˩˘˟ʴ˪˔˥˗˦ʡˊ˘˪˘˥˘˔˟˦ˢЃˡ˔˟˜˦˧˦˜ˡ˧˛˘ʥʣʥʥ˔ˡ˗ʥʣʥʦʺ˥ˢ˨ˣʿ˘˜˦˨˥˘Travel Awards as well.ˊ˘˔˟˦ˢ˛˔˩˘˦˜˫˛ˢ˧˘˟˦˧˛˔˧˪ˢˡ˧˛˘˖ˢ˩˘˧˘˗ˇ˥˜ˣʴ˗˩˜˦ˢ˥ˇ˥˔˩˘˟˟˘˥˦ʚʶ˛ˢ˜˖˘ʴ˪˔˥˗˜ˡʥʣʥʦʡPlus the Bournemouth Sands Hotel, which was ˔˟˦ˢ˔˪˔˥˗˘˗˧˛˘ʚʵ˘˦˧ˢ˙˧˛˘ʵ˘˦˧ʚ˔˪˔˥˗ʥʣʥʣʟsomething only given to the top 1% of hotels based on excellent reviews. 12 Call 01202 638840 we’re open Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm, Sat 8am – 5pm, Sun 9am – 3pm
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